Tuesday, 9 June 2009

How to make fishing lures using recycled materials and everyday scrap and junk!

Are you wondering how to make fishing lures? Have a look in your garage, shed or even in your trashcan and you may have all you need at your finger tips.

Sinkers: Fishermen have been making their own lead sinkers for centuries. If you are considering lure making as a hobby and are wondering how to make fishing lures, this is a great project to start with.

Fishermen have used just about anything they can get their hands on for making homemade sinkers, from recycled lead bullets found at a shooting range, wheel weights, lead plumbing scraps, or even old x-ray shield plates.

You can pretty well use any material which can be melted and poured to an appropriate weight and size. Most handy fishermen will use a set of metal measuring spoons and fill any of the desired sized spoons with molten lead.

Some fishermen also stock a spool of solder to snip at short length to use as a simple and quick wrap sinker.

Floats and Bobbers: Floats and bobbers are possibly the easiest lure making project. Floats can be just about anything which is known to float effectively at the end of a fishing line. Some fishermen in the early 1900s used to use a small piece of dried wood or twig and simply strung it to their line as a float.

Nowadays fishermen are more inventive and use materials such as Styrofoam, small plastic pill bottles, or even mini balloons or wine corks as effective floaters.

Corn cob is another popular choice used for bobbers and floaters. When sanded and shaped a piece of dried cob can have a very attractive appearance, similar to that of corncob pipes.

Worms and bait: Many fishermen who already know how to make fishing lures move on to making their own artificial bait. Making plastic worms can be as easy or as difficult as you’d like it to be.

Some fishermen swear that a simple braid of acrylic yarn is one of their most successful and effective lures. Acrylic yarn is readily available at most knitting and craft stores, and can be purchased in any number of colors and textures.

Plastic worms can also be made by melting and molding, similar to the techniques used to make your own lead sinkers but without the danger of poisoning.

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