Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Which bait Lures trout the best?

Knowing what type of tackle or bait lures trout to a line is one mystery worth figuring out. Trout are a challenging and fun fish to catch and can be the tastiest shore lunch you will ever experience.

So which bait lures trout the best? Well, that depends on which fishermen you ask. Most trout fishermen have a preference between natural baits, spinners and flies. In this article you will find a brief explanation for each of these types of bait and tackle and how each one lures trout to your hook!

Natural bait can include minnows, worms, grasshoppers, grubs, night crawlers and types of food such as corn. Some fishermen believe that natural bait is the most successful due to the fact that they are not an imitation of trout food source but are the fish’s actual prey of choice. Makes sense right?

Natural bait is also more convenient than other types of tackle. These types of live bait can be used in conjunction with almost any other fishing gear or poles, even a simple stick and string approach can be taken when using natural bait. Though most fishermen will use a traditional spin cast reel with additional weights, hooks and floats.

Spinner bait is most commonly made from metal, wire and beads with a joined body and hook. These tackle are produced to imitate a struggling minnow, and as a result are quite tempting to fish and lures trout to a hook effectively.

Some fishermen also believe that spinnerbait is successful due to the fact that trout strike out of curiosity as often as they do out of hunger. Spinners come in a wide variety of colors, sizes and styles and are an essential piece of tackle and have been the stand-by favorite in trout fishing for centuries.

Flies are another type of bait which is believed to be especially effective for trout, when fishing in a stream or river. Though flies can be purchased, most fishermen choose to make or “tie” their own out of natural materials such as feathers, furs and even porcupine quills.

Flies are usually categorized into two types, wet and dry. Wet flies are designed to sink and stay submerged and are designed to look like small fish. Where as dry flies are designed to mimic bees, beetles and other insect which fish would find floating or landing briefly on the water’s surface.

A well made fly and proper fly fishing technique lures trout effectively and is an art form which can take years to perfect.

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